Approval of the Report and Accounts and of the Corporate Bodies of Banco Finantia

The Annual General Meeting of Banco Finantia approved today the individual and consolidated accounts for the year 2018 (see attached on April 14, 2019), including the distribution of a dividend in the amount of 13 cents per share.

The Corporate Bodies for the three-year period 2019/2021 of Banco Finantia are composed as follows:

Board of the General Assembly: João Vieira de Almeida (President) and Sofia Barata (Secretary).

Board of Directors: António Vila-Cova (President), David Guerreiro, Ricardo Caldeira, Telma Oliveira, Manuel de Faria Blanc, José Archer and Alzira Cabrita (vowels). The last three are members of the Audit Committee, chaired by Manuel de Faria Blanc.

Statutory Auditor: Ernst & Young Audit & Associates - SROC, S.A. (effective), represented by Filipe Brás, and Ana Salcedas (alternate).

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